Monday Night Tennis

Get a Sub

League Info
Location / Map
Group eMail
Contact Jon

Do you NEED a sub?  See below.
Contact Jon after making arrangements.

Some sub-related Items:

1.  GROUP eMAIL or NOT.  When you need a sub, a good first step is to call or eMail potential subs using the contact info. distributed with the schedule or available (with password) here.  Alternatively (especially if there is fewer than 8 hours until play time), you can use the MNT Group eMail list.

2.  FORMAT.  Especially if using the Group eMail, please format the subject line as " 'Name' needs sub for mm/dd -- courts x/y".  Including your name and the date helps keep things straight since others may be looking for a sub too.  Expected court number(s) (i.e., player level), while optional, can be helpful too.

3.  MONITOR.  After sending out a sub request (especially if done using the group eMail), watch for responses and reply to them on a timely basis.  A good idea would be to look at your eMail after about 15 minutes.  If no responses yet, check again after an hour or so.  Then occasionally after that.


4.  LEVEL.  Try to get a sub at about your level (see guidance on schedule).  Therefore, do not send out a request that says something like, “First to respond gets it.”  Use the schedule's court level guidance to help you pick a sub from those that responded positively.

5.  PREFERENCE.  If you have a choice amongst whom to pick to sub, perhaps because you've received multiple responses, it's good to opt for a scheduled player that's off that week over someone who is just on the sub list.   

6.  CONFIRM.  Responses to your sub request will be tentative awaiting your selection.  MAKE SURE after you've picked someone that you get their confirmation that they know it and will sub.  Exception:  If you reply with a "you got it" (or something similar) to a sub volunteer within 10 minutes of their responding, you do NOT need to get their confirmation.

7.  NOTIFY.  ALWAYS be sure to tell me (Jon) who you've arranged to sub.  Also, tell all those who received your sub request that your request is now filled.  If you send out this notice via the group eMail list, I'll receive that.



8.  COURT MOVEMENT.  A sub can't move a player up (for the next time the player plays for himself).  However, a sub CAN move a player down. 
9.  FLIPS.  After the 2nd round, subs automatically lose flips vs. scheduled players.  However, a high-scoring sub keeps other players on the court from moving up.

10.  COST.  Since players have pre-paid for their tennis, subs generally play for no charge.  Then again, players are free to work out with their subs whatever they want moneywise.




     Fall 2019 Dates    
Sep       9, 16, 23, 30
Oct   7, 14, 21, 28
Nov   4, 11, 18, 25
Dec   2,  9, 16, 23, 30
Jan   6, 13, 24, 26 
   Summer 2019 Dates   
Jun   3, 10, 17, 24
Jul   1,  8, 15, 22, 29
Aug   5, 12, 24, 26 

Forest Lake 314-878-2722 -- Jon Michelson 636-393-8020 or